Welcome to the Golden Hill Community Garden!
The Golden Hill Community Garden provides members an opportunity to grow their own vegetables, flowers & herbs. Gardeners learn and share organic techniques that promote healthy gardens through individual and cooperative gardening, meetings, and shared information. The garden provides a peaceful place to meet neighbors, experience nature and enjoy the diversity of life.
The Golden Hill Community Garden was established in 2004 and is located within Balboa Park along Russ Blvd between 24th and 25th Streets in Golden Hill. The garden currently includes 29 plots approximately 4'x15' each for which members pay an annual fee of $50. Garden membership meetings are held on the first Saturday of each month and work days are organized approximately quarterly.
If you would like to become part of our community, please visit our How do I Join page. You can also contact us at goldenhillcommunitygarden@gmail.com with any questions.